Tag Archives: Program optimization

What should I optimize first in my web page?

I start with the optimization process …

It’s a common question! Where do I begin with the optimization process. Should I start with JavaScript or with some simple Apache optimizations? The answer is pretty simple and it’s related to a very, very simple technique.

Look what Firebug is saying

Yeah, look at the Firebug. You can check what’s taking most of the time to load. If it’s some server site script you can try caching it, if it’s a JavaScript file load, than you can try minify/compile it. Another good tool is the Safari developer tool. Than you can graphically understand what part of the sites’ components are slowing down the loading process. Whether the images or the JavaScript, well check that out with the Safari browser.

Finally what I do?

Once you know what’s the thing slowing down the site, start with its optimization! It’s really simple.

Optimizing the web. Start with the images!

Common question when speaking about web site optimization is: where should I start. As I mentioned before almost every technology used in the building of a web project can be improved. The bad news is that this improvement needs effort and when it comes to changing some code that’s already written that’s bad. The good news, as it exists, is that in the most cases most of the traffic of a site comes by images and/or other media and their optimization doesn’t have to deal with coding and can simply be optimized.

Optimize every image

The first thing that you can do to improve your site image is to optimize them. Sometimes the files you put on the site as they are JPEG, GIF and PNGs can be improved just by using some software that strips useless information from their headers and using various algorithms to smooth the similar pixels. As you may know in the case of PNG and GIF this is particularly natural. Stoyan Stefanov a lead Yahoo! developer is know as guru when it comes image optimization. You can check more detailed information about software and tools on his blog here. The reality is that you don’t need extra info into the images, as useless information about the camera, which is often setup into the image header, and when it comes to the web that’s really good. In fact according to some researches this can spend you more than 30% of traffic. Continue reading Optimizing the web. Start with the images!

What should be optimized in one web page?

Well that’s a question that has been asked so many times in the web and I my intention is not to repeat that. In my web development experience after so many web sites behind my back, there is always something that repeats in every site. And that’s the technology that support the development – the languages we use. Although they differ in some way, especially those used on the server site, or so called server scripts, which can vary between many options, but in fact almost every web project consist of one of the following things:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Flash or Silverlight
  • Server side scripting language, like PHP, ASP or whatever
  • Database server

I’d like to add one category more and that’s the images we use in every website to construct the desirable layout. They are extremely important when optimizing a web page, because almost always they make more than half of the traffic of a page.

In few posts I’ll write what and how can be optimized, according to my experience and according to the articles I’ve read. I won’t mention again why the optimization is important – I’ve written already some posts about that and the web is full of articles.

As I can say nowadays this is the most important topic of the web development. Almost everyone’s speaking about it and I’d like to give some references in my talks, just to make it more clear and to give you some basic points from where you can start optimizing.