Tag Archives: Heapsort

Computer Algorithms: Heap and Heapsort


Heapsort is one of the general sorting algorithms that performs in O(n.log(n)) in the worst-case, just like merge sort and quicksort, but sorts in place – as quicksort. Although quicksort’s worst-case sorting time is O(n2) it’s often considered that it beats other sorting algorithms in practice. Thus in practice quicksort is “faster” than heapsort. In the same time developers tend to consider heapsort as more difficult to implement than other n.log(n) sorting algorithms.

In the other hand heapsort uses a special data structure, called heap, in order to sort items in place and this data structure is quite useful in some specific cases. Thus to understand heapsort we first need to understand what is a heap.

So first let’s take a look at what is a heap.


A heap is a complete binary tree, where all the parents are greater than their children (max heap). If all the children are greater than their parents it is considered to call the heap a min-heap. But first what is a complete binary tree? Well, this is a binary tree, where all the levels are full, except the last one, where all the items are placed on the left (just like on the image below).

Complete Binary Tree
A complete binary tree is a structure where all the levels are completely full, except the last level, where all the items are placed on the left!
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Computer Algorithms: Radix Sort


Algorithms always depend on the input. We saw that general purpose sorting algorithms as insertion sort, bubble sort and quicksort can be very efficient in some cases and inefficient in other. Indeed insertion and bubble sort are considered slow, with best-case complexity of O(n2), but they are quite effective when the input is fairly sorted. Thus when you have a sorted array and you add some “new” values to the array you can sort it quite effectively with insertion sort. On the other hand quicksort is considered one of the best general purpose sorting algorithms, but while it’s a great algorithm when the data is randomized it’s practically as slow as bubble sort when the input is almost or fully sorted.

Now we see that depending on the input algorithms may be effective or not. For almost sorted input insertion sort may be preferred instead of quicksort, which in general is a faster algorithm.

Just because the input is so important for an algorithm efficiency we may ask are there any sorting algorithms that are faster than O(n.log(n)), which is the average-case complexity for merge sort and quicksort. And the answer is yes there are faster, linear complexity algorithms, that can sort data faster than quicksort, merge sort and heapsort. But there are some constraints!

Everything sounds great but the thing is that we can’t sort any particular data with linear complexity, so the question is what rules the input must follow in order to be sorted in linear time.

Such an algorithm that is capable of sorting data in linear O(n) time is radix sort and the domain of the input is restricted – it must consist only of integers.


Let’s say we have an array of integers which is not sorted. Just because it consists only of integers and because array keys are integers in programming languages we can implement radix sort.

First for each value of the input array we put the value of “1” on the key-th place of the temporary array as explained on the following diagram.

Radix sort first pass
Radix sort first pass
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Computer Algorithms: Bubble Sort


It’s weird that bubble sort is the most famous sorting algorithm in practice since it is one of the worst approaches for data sorting. Why is bubble sort so famous? Perhaps because of its exotic name or because it is so easy to implement. First let’s take a look on its nature.

Bubble sort consists of comparing each pair of adjacent items. Then one of those two items is considered smaller (lighter) and if the lighter element is on the right side of its neighbour, they swap places. Thus the lightest element bubbles to the surface and at the end of each iteration it appears on the top. I’ll try to explain this simple principle with some pictures.

1. Each two adjacent elements are compared

In bubble sort we've to compare each two adjacent elements
In bubble sort we've to compare each two adjacent elements

Here “2” appears to be less than “4”, so it is considered lighter and it continues to bubble to the surface (the front of the array).
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