Tag Archives: web developers

Diving into Node.js – A Long Polling Example

Node.js vs. The World

What is typical for most of the web servers is that they listen for requests and respond as quickly as possible on every one of them. In fact the speed of the response is one of the main targets of optimization for developers. Fast servers are what everyone needs. From web developers to website visitors!

In the field of the that battle different web servers have different “weapons” to gain time. While this is useful in most of the cases, when it comes to a chat-like applications and Node.js approaches, the response is not always immediately returned. As I described in my posts until now about Node.js, a simple web server may wait for an event to be emitted, and than return the response. Continue reading Diving into Node.js – A Long Polling Example

Use Cookie-Free Domain and CDN for Static Content!

Benefits from Cookie-Free Domains

Lately most of the web developers are talking more and more about optimization. One of the practices everybody’s supporting is to use cookie free domains for static content. First of all, what’s static content. That, in breve, are all images, JavaScripts and CSS. That’s everything that’s transmitted to the client with no change from the server at all. In a typical PHP/MySQL site everything generated on the server site is considered dynamic, while every component that’s given to the client with no change is static. That’s why they don’t need cookies in the request.

That’s what Yahoo! YSlow says:

In a short example, lets say you’ve a web page with 10 background images used by its CSS file. Here’s a good practice to combine them in one or even use base64 for them, but that’s another talk. So in that scenario you’ll send all the cookies you’ve on the site with this images, but actually they don’t profit at all from this. The question is why you should send all this data with no need? Won’t you benefit from sending it with no cookies.

As it sound logical I read some articles recently describing that the benefit from putting the static content on a non-cookie domain doesn’t pays back. OK it may be strange, however every 40 ms or whatever of page load is important, aren’t they?

Setup a Cookie Free Domain

The problem is that if you’d like to setup a cookie free domain the things are becoming a bit harder. You’ve two options:

  1. Move all your static content on a different domain, where no cookies are set.
  2. Move your static content on a different sub domain and set all the cookies to the www subdomain. (Here’s a bit tricky).

All this indeed a bit tricky! So let me proceed with the next topic.

Benefits from CDN

A CDN or Content Delivery Network is a term become famous with the growing web. Now big sites have servers in almost every continent and perhaps country. CDN is an abstraction of all this. The good thing is that there’s supposed to be stored static content. Think about the YouTube’s video files. Another good thing is that this domains are cookie free by default. The thing is …

Why don’t You Combine Them?

You’ll benefit from both ideas. Cookie free domains with CDN. In one side the web page will benefit from the closest location of the server and the CDN and in other side all this will come with no cookies to you. That’s really nice and most of the time people thing of CDN for only storing large scale data, such as video files, but no one says you cannot put your CSS, JavaScripts and background images there!

HTC?! Round the corners on IE!

Well I was writing these days about rounded corners and some cross browser techniques that help you do this job. But what’s actually a topic now is that most of the web developers are speaking about making different versions of a site for different browsers. Now this begins to look normal, but it isn’t. The ideal solution is to have everything working fine, in that case rounded corners to be rounded, on every browser.

As I wrote recently there is a way to do this in IE with the use of VML, but yet again this is not working on Opera, and puts another chunk of markup in your document, that leads to more difficult maintain.

The solution can be done with another approach that can be considered as one level beyond the VML usage. Thus you have scripts only in IE and clean CSS.

Everybody now’s using both:


and now’s coming the new wave with:


property in CSS3, but as we know it will be maybe present in IE9 and any older MSIE will be discarded.

What the .htc means?

It stands for HTML components file, which is completely JavaScript code that’s included via CSS as:

behavior: url(border-radus.htc);

Of course you can find such .htc predefined files everywhere on the web and it’s completely working.

The problem

is that sometimes after using many HTML tags with border radius IE appears to crash, which is nothing new, but however not desirable.

Profiling JavaScript with Firebug. console.profile() & console.time()!

Firebug and the console object

Although my impression is that most of the web developers use Firefox and most of them are using Firebug, I’m not sure that they use the full potential of this brilliant software.

Firebug’s console view

Firebug is a very powerful tool helping those like me doing his job. But what’s behind the mostly used Firebug’s tools and what’s in the API.


For a typical JavaScript programmer the console.log() function is one of his best friends. It can dump useful information in the console tab of the Firebug making everything quite clear. But have you ever asked yourself how to improve your code, how to measure its performance against some constructions.

Performance of JavaScript

I’m sure many of us have read enough articles out in the web about JS performance. Nowadays when the web apps become bigger and bigger, this topic is rising from the bottom of the interesting topics pool. Now everybody’s concerned about it’s app performance and speed.

You’ve probably heart about some basic advices. What to use, what not to use. In a short example I’ll mention only that everybody knows that .appendChild is far slower than the innerHTML. But why is that? How can be sure it’s true.

As I wrote recently you should instantiate your new arrays in javascript with the following construction:

var a = [];

instead of:

var a = new Array();

but as I’ll write here that’s not always true.


One of the useful methods of the Firebug’s console object is the profile() method. It gives you the power to measure timing and performance of any JS function. As described in the Firebug’s web page:

The high-fi approach is to use the JavaScript profiler. Just call console.profile() before the code you want to measure, and then console.profileEnd() afterwards. Firebug will log a detailed report about how much time was spent in every function call in between.

With the simple construction like:

    myFunc = function() {
        var a = [];


Firebug’s profile output

The simple problem is that thus you cannot just measure some code that’s not a function. This will result in empty profile output in the console’s view:

But hopefully there comes the other method of the console object.


It gives anything you’d like to know even if it’s not closed into a function.

Note: remember that both profile and time methods goes with their related profileEnd and timeEnd methods. You’re supposed to enclose the chunk of code you measure with that to be sure that the Firebug’s console will stop the profilers on time.

Now you can simply ask the profiler: what is faster?

YouTube and Vimeo goes HTML5 with video tag usage! Catch them up!

What better example than that coming both from YouTube and Vimeo. Although video tag is not supported except under Safari and Chrome, that’s the future everyone’s going to embed sooner or later.

And if these “big players” are going that way, don’t hesitate to follow them! HTML5 is really what we as web developers were waiting for so long and even all of the problems during its standardization process it’s really cool there will be tags like video.

What YouTube is doing today, perhaps will seem normal to everyone tomorrow. However there are some questions still with no answer, as where the flash possibility to add ads into the player is going?! But we’re about to see great things from these two sites!

Just check out these two links:

Youtube HTML5
