Tag Archives: Scripting languages

PHP: Fetch $_GET as String with http_build_query()

PHP is really full of functions for everything! Most of the time when you try to do something with strings, there’s a function that can do it better and faster.

The Route from $_GET to String

The global arrays in PHP contain request parameters. Either GET or POST. As you know if the page address is something like:


This means that you pass to the index.php file two parameters – “a” and “key” with their values: “b” and “value”. Now in this case you can dump the $_GET global array somewhere in index.php and you’ll receive something like this.

	"a"   => "b",
	"key" => "value",

This is however pseudocode, but in fact $_GET will be very similar to this sample array. Continue reading PHP: Fetch $_GET as String with http_build_query()

OOP JavaScript: Accessing Public Methods in Private Methods

As you know in JavaScript when you define a variable with the special word “var” the scope of this variable is within the function. So when you simply wite “var a = 5” the variable named “a” has a global scope and can be accessed in any function in the global scope.

var a = 5;
function f() { return a; } // returns 5

Thus f will return the value of “a” which equals to 5. You can also change the value of the global variable in the function body.

var a = 5;
function f() { a = 10; return a; }
console.log(a); // equals to 10

Now after we call the function f the value of “a” will equal to 10. This is because we reference the global variable “a” into the function body without using the keyword “var”. This means that if you put the “var” keyword the variable “a” inside the function body is no longer the same variable as the variable defined outside the body. It becames “local” and it’s visible only inside the function.
Continue reading OOP JavaScript: Accessing Public Methods in Private Methods

Object Oriented JavaScript: Inheritance

Objects and JavaScript

JavaScript, being a functional language, differs from most of the procedural/object oriented languages we know. The object oriented approach in JavaScript is rather strange. However there is much power in making objects! The syntax is really odd and there are several approaches.

Literal Notation

As many of you may know the most used notation is the JSON (JavaScript Object Notation).

{ 'key1' : 'val1'
, 'key2' : 'val2'
, 'key3' : 'val3'

Of course this is the very basic example. You can use as value any JavaScript object – another similar object or a function.

{ 'key1' : 'val1'
, 'key2' : { 'inner_key1' : 'inner_val1' }
, 'key3' : function() {
			return 10 + 5;

The two examples above are showing an anonymous object in JavaScript, but you can assign this code to some variable.

var myObject = 
	{ 'key1' : 'val1'
	, 'key2' : 'val2'
	, 'key3' : 'val3'


var myObject =
	{ 'key1' : 'val1'
	, 'key2' : { 'inner_key1' : 'inner_val1' }
	, 'key3' : function() {
				return 10 + 5;

and then you can call the properties of these objects with the ‘.’ operator:


So far so good – this is the literal object notation in JavaScript. However there is another “objects” in JavaScript.
Continue reading Object Oriented JavaScript: Inheritance

HTTP POST with PHP without cURL

Awesome PHP

a great php idea!
It’s strange how powerful PHP can be. There’s a legend that cURL is the only way to perform a HTTP POST with PHP, but that isn’t the truth. An extremely useful script is by using stream_context_create:

$optional_headers = null;
$params = array('http' => array(
                'method' => 'POST',
                'content' => http_build_query(array('name' => 'my-name'))));
if ($optional_headers !== null) {
    $params['http']['header'] = $optional_headers;
$ctx = stream_context_create($params);
$fp = @fopen('http://example.com/post.php', 'rb', false, $ctx);

Well this is only a snippet. You can change a lot this code and perform any request, but here’s a small start up. However note that this will do the same as while posting to example.com/post.php via web form!

The Better Way to Unset Variables in PHP

Don’t know why, but most of times I see the PHP unset() multilined with a only one parameter!?


But as you can see from the PHP doc page of unset() this method takes optional parameter count.

void unset(mixed $var [, mixed $var [, mixed $...]])

So perhaps a better solution can be:

unset($var1, $var2, $var3);

It’s at least single lined!