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It’s Not True that PHP Arrays are Copied by Value

PHP, Arrays & Passing by Reference

Do you know that objects in PHP5 are passed by reference, while arrays and other scalar variables are passed by value? Yes, you know it, but it’s not exactly true. Let’s see some example and let’s try to answer few questions.

// depending on the machine but both lines return
// expectedly equal values: 331208
// 331208
echo memory_get_usage();
echo memory_get_usage();

These two lines of code, expectedly return the same value (in my case 331208), which shows us that because nothing happened in between them the memory usage isn’t growing. Let’s now put some code in between them.

echo memory_get_usage(); // 331616
$a = 10;
echo memory_get_usage(); // 331696

Continue reading It’s Not True that PHP Arrays are Copied by Value

PHP: Arrays or Linked Lists?

Arrays vs. Linked List

If we talk about arrays and linked lists we know the pros and cons about both of them. No matter which programming language we use arrays benefit from direct access to its items, while linked lists are more memory efficient for particular tasks.

Array & Linked List
Array & Linked List

The items of a linked list keep a reference to their successor, so we can easily walk through the entire list. However we don’t have direct access to its elements. Thus we can’t go directly to its middle element! Even more – in particular implementations of a linked list we don’t know its length. But in some cases linked lists are far more effective than arrays. For instance reversing an array of non-numeric values require constant additional memory, but also requires n/2 exchanges. The same taks using linked lists is not only performed in linear time, but doesn’t require any additional memory. The only thing we need to do is to reverse the links – no movement of values and the items remain at the same place in the memory.

Merging of two arrays often require more space (proportional of the space of the two arrays) or many exchanges in case we try to do it in place. The same task on linked lists is far more effective with only changing pointers and without moving the values. Continue reading PHP: Arrays or Linked Lists?

PHP Strings Don’t Need Quotes

I bet you didn’t know that PHP strings don’t need quotes! Indeed PHP developers work with strings with either single or double quotes, but actually in some cases you don’t need them.

PHP by Book

Here’s how PHP developer declare a string, which is something very common in any programming language.

$my_var = 'hello world';
// or
$my_var = "hello world";

PHP Tricks

What if you do the following:

echo hello;

That appears to be correct … Well, it’s not absolutely correct. You’ll be “noticed”.

// Notice: Use of undefined constant hello
echo hello;

However if you disable error reporting, the code will be completely fine.

// no problem now
echo hello;


What follows from the thing above is that you can use strings without quotes:

// hello
echo hello;
// hello world (concatenated)
echo hello . ' world';
// helloworld
echo hello . world;

However you can’t have spaces and most of the “special” symbols.

// syntax error
echo hello world;
// syntax error
echo hello!;

Final Words

Although you can do this in PHP, that is completely wrong. The code becomes more difficult to read and understand. In the second place you can miss a $ sign in front of a variable declaration and thus the PHP interpreter will assume this is a string. So disable error reporting isn’t so great sometimes.

You think you know PHP. Quiz Results!

With 400+ answers here are the results. First I want to thank you for participating in the quiz and congrats for the 16 users that answered correctly to all the questions!

1. What will be the output of the following code?

echo date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-1 month ago'));
  • Error
  • One month ago from the current date and time
  • One month in the future from the current date and time correct answer (ref)

Answers of the first question

Continue reading You think you know PHP. Quiz Results!

Object Cloning and Passing by Reference in PHP

In PHP everything’s a reference! I’ve heard it so many times in my practice. No, these words are too strong! Let’s see some examples.

Passing by reference in PHP can be tricky!
Some developers think that everything's passed by reference in PHP.

Passing Parameters by Reference

Clearly when we pass parameters to a function it’s not by reference. How to check this? Well, like this.

function f($param)
$a = 5;
echo $a;

Now the value of $a equals 5. If it were passed by reference, it would be 6. With a little change of the code we can get it.

function f(&$param)
$a = 5;
echo $a;

Now the variable’s value is 6.

So far, so good. Now what about copying objects?
Continue reading Object Cloning and Passing by Reference in PHP