Tag Archives: JavaScript syntax

A JavaScript Trick You Should Know

JavaScript Strings

You should know that in JavaScript you cannot simply write a multilined code chunk, i.e. something like this:

var str = 'hello

This will result in an error, which can be a problem when you deal with large strings. Imagine a string containing some HTML that should be injected via innerHTML. Now one possible solution is to concatenate two or more strings, by splitting the initial string.

var str = 'hello'
        + 'world';

Howerver this solution result in some additional operations like concatenation. It can be very nice if there was something like the PHP multiline string format.

The PHP Example

In PHP you have the same use case with strings. You can have a string concatenated over multiple lines, but you cannot split lines like so:

// the following line is wrong
$str = 'hello
// a possible solution to the line above is
$str = 'hello'
     . 'world';
// which is very similar to the js solution in the second example
// ... but in PHP there is the so called HEREDOC
$str = <<<EOD

The heredoc gives us the power to write multiline strings.

The JavaScript Trick

Actually in JavaScript there is something that’s exactly what Heredoc is meant to be for PHP. Take a look at the last example:

var text = <>
this <br />
document.body.innerHTML = text;

Thus you can write multiline strings in the JavaScript code.

JavaScript Flexibility – Regex match()

Today after two posts [#1, #2] in the past days here’s something that shows again the JavaScript power. This is not a complete example, but it’s good to start.

var str = '/text/1/text/2/';
var a = str.match(/(\d+)/gi);

in that example you’ll get an array with all the numbers in the string [“1”, “2”] – yet another flexible js snippet!

Flexible JavaScript – Replace in a String

Here’s yet another example of the JavaScript flexibility. You can simply call .replace() on every string and pass a regex as a parameter!

var str = 'my simple string';
str.replace(/ /g, '-'); // now 'str' will contain 'my-simple-string'

Quick Look at JavaScript Objects

JavaScript Objects

As you may know there are different notations of objects in JavaScript, and there are slight differences. However here I’m gonna achieve the same thing with different notations. The first one is the object notation in JavaScript known mostly from JSON. There you’ve to construct a key/value pairs, divided by a colon:

var class1 = {
    a : 0,
    func1 : function() {
    func2 : function(a) {
        this.a = a;

Here we have two functions – func1 and func2 and one member variable. Func2 is setting up the member variable, it’s something like a setter in some languages like Java and PHP, and the func1 is printing the value of that variable via console.log(). Note that in the body of func1() the variable “a” is accessed with the class name: class1.a. Here the notation can be changed to this.a, which will result in the same thing.


Notation #2

While in the notation I’ve just used is not possible to have two different instances from the same class, in the next example this is possible. In JavaScript the objects are even the functions, and you can access the function’s private variables with the dot notation.

var class2 = function() {
    this.a = 0;
    this.func1 = function() {
    this.func2 = function(a) {
        this.a = a;

To use this object you’ve to use the “new” operator.

var c = new class2();

This helps you create more than one instance of the same class.

var c = new class2();
var d = new class2();