Tag Archives: Internet Explorer

JavaScript Objects Coding Style Reviewed

JS Objects

Once I posted about JavaScript object coding style. Back than I made the analogy with PHP array coding style. In breve it’s useful to format the arrays in PHP simply like that:

$data = array(
	'key1' => 'value1',
	'key2' => 'value2',
	'key3' => 'value3',
	'key4' => 'value4',
	'key5' => 'value5',

Note that there is a trailing comma after the last key/value pair. This is not a syntax error and helps you add new elements to the array with no fear to forget the comma. This coding standard is quite well known in the PHP community, but in fact writing JavaScript objects can be “translated” to something very similar. The only problem is that the trailing comma in JavaScript will result to an error, especially in Internet Explorer, so it is important to remove it.

var obj = {
	key1 : 'value1',
	key2 : 'value2',
	key3 : 'value3',
	key4 : 'value4',
	key5 : 'value5'

The problem is that when you’ve to add one key/value pair, you’ve to add the comma after the last pair. This actually makes it useless.

Better Solution

There is another way, much better I think, that may help you more when adding new pairs to the object.

var obj = 
	{ key1 : 'value1'
	, key2 : 'value2'
	, key3 : 'value3'
	, key4 : 'value4'
	, key5 : 'value5'

In this example you can simply copy/paste the last pair and change the key and value, or you can simply can continue writing the way the object is constructed.

Thus you don’t have the problem with the last comma and syntax errors.

Replace the Broken Images with a Default Image with JavaScript

There is cool JavaScript trick that helps you catch broken images. You know that when the image doesn’t exist, the http path to the image returns 404 or the path is wrong, the browser doesn’t display nothing in the most cases. As MSIE is always different it displays an ugly icon saying that there is not an image to load

MSIE broken image icon

and that is really bad!

There’s a Quick Fix …

Simply add an onerror handler on the IMG tag

<img src="http://..../broken_url.jpg" onerror="this.src='path_to_default_image'" />

All the Site in … One Request

Is it possible?

Yes it is! Actually I stumbled these days on a video where one of the guys talked about a quite interesting technique, that all the site was sent in one response from the server. But how is it possible? Actually everything is collected on the server side, i.e. with PHP which groups everything within a string. Obviously the images are base64ed. Than everything is send to the client with appropriate delimiters and mime types, and the client separates the string and build ups the page.


Of course there are some problems. First of all, as you may guess, MSIE doesn’t support base64. Another bad thing is that this isn’t cacheable.

One Good Use

There is however a good place to use this technique. In mobile versions. There is no much need of caches and most of all MSIE is not there!

Vendor Prefixes in CSS

Vendor Prefixes vs CSS3

Either are bad, because vendor prefixes work on specific browsers, while CSS3 is not implemented fully by those browsers. When talking about vendor prefixes in CSS, let me tell you in breve, what’s this. If you’d like to make rounded corner under Mozilla Firefox, you usually use a background image, but there’s another way to do it – with Mozilla specific CSS:

-moz-border-radius: 5px;

That’s bad because it works only on Mozilla based browsers, although there’s a webkit based similar syntax:

-webkit-border-radius: 5px;

Even after that our “favorite” browser MSIE until version 9 is not displaying any rounded corners.

In other hand CSS3 gives us the possibility to write the simple:


which is not implemented in many currently used browsers, but it may be used for progressive enhancements.

In Breve …

Everybody’s talking about vendor prefixes after the famous post of PPK, but there are both opinions – pros and cons. However it’s good to use it, but very carefully, and think about what CSS3 may give you!

CSS border-radius vs. images!

Rounded corners

This is one of the main problems of web design and development now, even if it sounds strange. The thing is that with round corners the elements become more nice and groovy and most of the web designers make such design templates. The problem than comes over the web developer who’s supposed to convert this into HTML and CSS. Of course it would be nice if all browsers support rounded corners in CSS, but they don’t and guess what IE fully doesn’t support it.

-moz and -webkit

Most of you have heart about this patches in CSS when you can use this prefixes for Mozilla based and Safari’s Webkit based browsers. Than you can use border radius with no pain, and you get the same effect as with using images.

-moz-border-radius : 4px;
-webkit-border-radius : 4px;

Of course on IE this doesn’t work and the element remains with square corners. But what the question is, should we make both versions for non IE browsers without images and a version for the “great” MSIE and all of its versions?

My answer is: no!

Although many sites do that, see vimeo for instance, there’s no need to support that. As the rumor and the MSIE blog says in IE9 which is … coming soon there will be – border-radius property.

That’s awesome!

Finally Microsoft has done something good! So stop using background images! This is hard to maintain, difficult to make and it’s bad for the browser loading time, because of the extra images/sprites.