Tag Archives: SWFObject

__flash__removeCallback problem on IE6

Every time the page unloads

If there’s a flash movie into your page using the AMF protocol to speak with the other part of the site, there may be a bug under Internet Explorer version 6 … again. The AMF protocol stands for Action Message Format is simply JavaScript – Actionscript way to get connected. And it simply registers the callbacks from both sides. So there’s simply a object/embed pair in the HTML and a Flash movie using AMF, and IE6. Everything’s OK until leaving the page. On unload the window object the generated JavaScript code breaks and throws an error. Usually it’s something like that:

function __flash__removeCallback(instance, name) {
    ... here instance is given null under IE6

What if embed with some js library (SWFObject)

Reading some forum posts it may be working if I was using a js/flash library such as SWFObject, but I don’t want such, because of one another JavaScript file loading and blocking the content. I just wanted the object/embed to be in my page. Continue reading __flash__removeCallback problem on IE6

The SWFObject method createSWF problem

The Problem

Although the SWFObject method – createSWF is working fine under IE sets the wmode not to be transparent but with the strange value of window, i.e. <PARAM name=”WMode” value=”Window” />

The Solution is …

to replace the createSWF method calls with other SWFObject method – embedSWF. There you can simply describe the desired wmode for the flash.