Tag Archives: Software architecture

Setting Up Zend Framework with Modules

Typical Zend App

Typically you’ve one module in your Zend App – the default one. In the basic installation of the framework, you put all the controllers, models and views directly in the application folder, as described below.

	- /controllers
		- /IndexController.php
	- /models
		- /MyModel.php
	- /views
		- /scripts
			- /index/index.phtml
	- /Zend
	- /images
	- /scripts

Bigger Apps – More Code

When the application becomes bigger and bigger the controller, models and views/scripts directories contain more and more files. That’s a bit odd, because it becomes difficult to maintain, and than the modules come in hand.

Modules in a Zend App

When it comes to setting up modular Zend App there are tons of articles in the web, but let me show you a simple directory layout and … sample code that sets up the framework.

	- /modules
		+ /admin
			- /controllers
				- /IndexController.php
			- /views
				- /scripts
					- /index/index.phtml
		+ /default
			- /controllers
				- /IndexController.php
			- /views
				- /scripts
					- /index/index.phtml
	- /models
	- /Zend
	- /images
	- /scripts


Simply add this into the bootstrap:

$frontController->addModuleDirectory(APPLICATION_PATH . '/modules');

Media RSS and ZF – Part 2

Here’s the promised chunk of code making the most simple bridge between Zend Framework and Media RSS.

Step 1

Just add a simple action in a controller:

class IndexController extends Zend_Controller_Action
	public function indexAction()
	    $this->getResponse()->setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/xml');
	    $this->view->somevar = 'some value';
	    echo $this->view->render('index/index.xml');

Step 2

After you’ve setup the xml file as a view script – you can simply access it as a normal Zend Framework view:

<rss version="2.0" xmlns:media="http://search.yahoo.com/mrss/" xmlns:av="http://www.searchvideo.com/schemas/av/1.0">
   <title><?php echo $this->somevar ?></title>
   other media rss elements

Cool tutorial about Zend_Paginator

Every part of Zend Framework is indeed very profesional and useful. But as it happens often some modules are less used than others. Don’t know why but my feeling is that Zend_Paginator, a wonderful tool for pagination is really misunderstood. And in fact it does one of the most common web development tasks. It builds the abstraction for a component that everybody uses in a web project – pagination.

It make sense if there where more tutorials like the following one describing its usage! Many thanks to Joey Rivera for a great tutorial about Zend_Paginator.

Even more this tutorials goes behind the pure usage of the paginator but it helps you understand the integration with one of the most used web apps today – Twitter and another Zend Framework component – Zend_Cache.

joey rivera blog

Escaping strings in a Zend Framework view. Prevent unclosed tags!

In most of the tutorials about Zend Framework the simple theory is described how all these MVC things may work together. However beyond that the things become more and more tricky and not everything is done by the MVC pattern itself.

What I mean is that reading most of the tutorials about ZF I found describing the simple relationship between controllers and views just by setting up a view member variable in the controller and than simply call that variable in the view of that particular controller action.

Setup controller’s view variable. In this example I used the default ZF IndexController – indexAction:

public IndexController extends Zend_Controller_Action
    public function indexAction()
        $this->view->greeting = ‘Hello World!’;

where afterwards you can call this member variable in the index.phtml view in the index view scripts.

Note: In a typical Zend Framework installation all this is setup into the application folder (either web visible or not), where the IndexController.php file containing the code above is placed into the application/controllers and its indexAction stores its view in the application/views/scripts/index/index.phtml

In that situation the view file, the previously mentioned index.phtml should access this “greeting” variable in something like:

<div><?php echo $this->greeting ?></div>

Note that here you miss the ->view-> part of the chain. That’s because the view’s parsed and now this contains everything that the controller’s view member object contains.

All that is pretty cool and it works great until you start accessing and working with different type of data escaped or not, coming from various sources.

Natively comes the problem of escaping bad strings and the single question is why should I do that? To give you a simple example I’ll describe the above code in a different manner.

Imagine you should setup a browser specific title depending of the controller/action you call. To do that is simple but there comes the tricky part. In the example above we can just change the code a bit.

In the controller you can setup the browserTitle variable:

class IndexController extends Zend_Controller_Action
    public function indexAction()
        $this->view->browserTitle = “Welcome”;

Than normally in the view you may have something like that:

<title><?php echo $this->browserTitle ?></title>

Everything until that looks normal and you don’t need to escape whatever as it appears. Even if the browserTitle contains something with quotes:

$this->view->browserTitle = ‘Hello ”World”’;

This will result in the browser’s source view as:

<title>Hello “World”</title>

see the image below:

But what if you setup a meta title tag:

<meta name=”title” content=”Hello “World”” />

for the browser that’s an error as shown on the image:

There’s why you simply should be careful when dumping variables all over the page and to use the native ZF escape function.


In the example above you simply can call the escape function into the view:

<title><?php echo $this->browserTitle ?></title>
<meta name=”title” content=”<?php echo $this->escape($this->browserTitle) ?>” />

That will prevent the browser to “crash” and of course and more important will improve the site’s SEO.