Tag Archives: jump search algorithm

Computer Algorithms: Jump Search


In my previous article I discussed how the sequential (linear) search can be used on an ordered lists, but then we were limited by the specific features of the given task. Obviously the sequential search on an ordered list is ineffective, because we consecutively check every one of its elements. Is there any way we can optimize this approach? Well, because we know that the list is sorted we can check some of its items, but not all of them. Thus when an item is checked, if it is less than the desired value, we can skip some of the following items of the list by jumping ahead and then check again. Now if the checked element is greater than the desired value, we can be sure that the desired value is hiding somewhere between the previously checked element and the currently checked element. If not, again we can jump ahead. Of course a good approach is to use a fixed step. Let’s say the list length is n and the step’s length is k. Basically we check list(0), then list(k-1), list(2k-1) etc. Once we find the interval where the value might be (m*k-1 < x <= (m+1)*k – 1), we can perform a sequential search between the last two checked positions. By choosing this approach we avoid a lot the weaknesses of the sequential search algorithm. Many comparisons from the sequential search here are eliminated.

How to choose the step’s length

We know that it is a good practice to use a fixed size step. Actually when the step is 1, the algorithm is the traditional sequential search. The question is what should be the length of the step and is there any relation between the length of the list (n) and the length of the step (k)? Indeed there is such a relation and often you can see sources directly saying that the best length k = √n. Why is that?

Well, in the worst case, we do n/k jumps and if the last checked value is greater than the desired one, we do at most k-1 comparisons more. This means n/k + k – 1 comparisons. Now the question is for what values of k this function reaches its minimum. For those of you who remember maths classes this can be found with the formula -n/(k^2) + 1 = 0. Now it’s clear that for k = √n the minimum of the function is reached.

Of course you don’t need to prove this every time you use this algorithm. Instead you can directly assign √n to be the step length. However it is good to be familiar with this approach when trying to optimize an algorithm.

Let’s cosider the following list: (0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610). Its length is 16. Jump search will find the value of 55 with the following steps.

Jump search basic implementation
Jump search skips some of the items of the list in order to improve performance!


Let’s see an example of jump search, written in PHP. Continue reading Computer Algorithms: Jump Search