Tag Archives: Databases

Fetching Rows With Zend_Db fetch()

Fetching the Entire Row Set


What is really handy in Zend Framework is that you can fetch the entire row set with the fetchAll() method. It comes with some parameters that you can use for limiting the result or ordering, but in general you can use it without specifying parameters. Let say this is the model:

class User extends Zend_Db_Table
	public function listAll()
		$query = "SELECT * FROM user";
		// exec query
		$rs = $this->getAdapter()->query($query);
		return $rs->fetchAll();

You can simply return the row set with the fetchAll() method as described in the example, but what if you have to loop through the rows and to modify somehow the values?

Fetching a Row

By simply change the code like so:

class User extends Zend_Db_Table
	public function listAll()
		$query = "SELECT * FROM user";
		// exec query
		$rs = $this->getAdapter()->query($query);
		// fetch
		$list = array();
		while ($row = $rs->fetch()) {
			// removing the password column value
			$row['password'] = '';
		    $list[] = $row;
		return $list;

you can modify the rows and you’ll have the same result.

Which Model Should Contain That Method?

Let’s say you have two models – each one modeling a database table – Users & Article. Here there’s nothing to deal with Zend Framwork, but you can think of them as typical models in a ZF application.

What happens if you have to write a getUserArticles method? Where would you put it? Whether this will be the User model or the Article model?Where?

Although technically you can put it in both models my advice is to look at the SQL query. If the FROM clause is containing the user table – than put the method in the User model, but here you’d have something like:

SELECT * FROM Article WHERE user_id = 1

I’d prefer to place it in the Article model!