Tag Archives: Cache

A Memcached Zend_Cache


Usually Zend_Cache is used to store cache files on the file system, which can be really fast and useful in most of the cases. However there’s a faster cache mechanism and hopefully it’s supported by Zend_Cache as well. This is the Memcached backend.

A Faster Cache

Memcached is a really powerful tool to cache directly into the RAM. First, this tool has nothing to do primary with Zend Framework. It’s a server, usually started on some port, that can be called to store and get things from the memory. This of course is very fast, way faster than the cache in the hard drives.

Zend_Cache and Memcached

Zend_Cache has an interface to work with Memcached which is great as usual. The PHP example of Memcache (note that there are two things Memcache and Memcached, which are slight different) can be found here and as it says:

$memcache = new Memcache;
$memcache->connect('localhost', 11211) or die ("Could not connect");
$version = $memcache->getVersion();
echo "Server's version: ".$version."<br/>\n";
$tmp_object = new stdClass;
$tmp_object->str_attr = 'test';
$tmp_object->int_attr = 123;
$memcache->set('key', $tmp_object, false, 10) or die ("Failed to save data at the server");
echo "Store data in the cache (data will expire in 10 seconds)<br/>\n";
$get_result = $memcache->get('key');
echo "Data from the cache:<br/>\n";

However this can be coded into a Zend Framework style like that:

$frontend = array('caching' => true, 'lifetime' => 1800, 'automatic_serialization' => true);
$backend = array(
    'servers' =>array(
        array('host' => '', 'port' => 11211)
    'compression' => false
$cache = Zend_Cache::factory('Core', 'Memcached', $frontend, $backend);

Note that you don’t have the typical “cache_dir”, just because everything’s cached into the memory.

Now you can call the cache as it’s called with the “File” backend interface:

$key = 'mykey';
if (($result = $cache->load($key)) === false) {
	// call the slow database query here ...
	// save in $result
	$cache->save($result, $key);	
echo $result

How to Overcome Zend_Cache_Frontend_Page’s Problem with Cookies


First of all there are several things to know about Zend Framework and caching. Whenever you work on a big web application caching is one of the mostly used mechanisms of speeding up the app and improve user performance. In general the task and the solution are pretty simple and natural.

As the application grows up the visitors become more and more impatient about what they receive. A single page is becoming slower and slower and the result is painful. First of all every time a user hits a page the application server uses the web server, a script interpreter, a database server and potentially the file system. But that’s not all. After all this output is generated on the server, as HTML in the most cases, it is sent to the client where again CSS and JavaScript engines parse and execute them.

In this scenario it’s easy to imagine how many time is spent. While there are several techniques to optimize the client side by optimizing JavaScript, CSS and the static images used for the design of the site, here I’m going to talk more about the backend.

Beside the Optimization

Let’s assume we’ve one of the very used combination between Apache (as a webserver), PHP (as server scripting language) and MySQL (as database server). Here you can choose to optimize all three of them. However beside the optimization of them one of the most simple steps you can do is to cache the output generated by these three branches of your web app.

Caching the Content

In fact you can cache only single parts of the whole process. For instance you can cache only the result returned by some slow database query. Let’s imagine a query takes about 2 seconds to execute. Now you can cache the result into a file and during the cache is active, i.e. it has not expired, the application takes it from a file stored somewhere in the file system.

In a typical Zend Framework scenario you can first setup the frontend and backend options of the cache.

$frontendOptions = array(
	'lifetime'                => 600, // in seconds - this is 10 seconds
	'automatic_serialization' => true,
$backendOptions = array('cache_dir' => 'cache/');
$cache = Zend_Cache::factory('Core', 'File', $frontendOptions, $backendOptions);
$cacheKey = md5('mykey');
if (!$cache->load($cacheKey)) {
	$slowQueryResult = $article->fetchAll();
	$cache->save($slowQueryResult, $cacheKey);
} else {
	$slowQueryResult = $cache->load($cacheKey);

You can setup different options here by setting up the cache directory, lifetime, etc.

Note that the cache directory must exists and with write permissions and Zend Framework doesn’t create it for you and will throw error.

The problem here is that now you cache only part of the generated content and in many cases this is still too slow for most of the users. However all the work (in most of the cases) of the web server, the script interpreter and the database server result in a simple HTML output. What if you have this output generated or cached for you and when the user hit the page the server will return this pre-generated code?

This is indeed very fast, because it’s similar to return a text file, as the HTML is simply formatted text.

Caching the Entire Page

Before I proceed, I’d like to say that I work with Zend Framework 1.9.x. Now in the latest versions of ZF there are new mechanisms of caching the output even Zend_Cache_Frontend_Page works fine on them.

You can simply setup the page cache within few simple lines of code:

$fo = array(
    'lifetime' => 600,
    'regexps' => array(
        '^/' => array(
	'cache' => true,
         'cache_with_cookie_variables' => true,
$bo = array(
    'cache_dir' => 'cache/'
$cache = Zend_Cache::factory('Page', 'File', $fo, $bo);

However my advise is to place this code as high as possible, because this will cache everything generated as output. It’s a good practice if you place this even in the bootstrap before you make the connection with the database. Actually you don’t need a database connection when you’ve to return a simple text(html) file.

This will improve your app’s performance a lot!

However there are few things to know. When you setup the cache to work even with cookie variables, you can see that hitting the page with different browsers Zend Framework will generated different cache pages. This is quite useless because than you don’t have any benefit of caching the content.

First of all let me say that THIS IS NOT A BUG! of ZF. Simply the framework will use the cookie variables to generate the cache key. It’s obvious that different browsers, even more different users, will have different cookie set and the framework will generate different cache keys for them.

Thus you’ve to change the setting to generate the cache key from cookie variable by explicitly set this option to false:

$fo = array(
    'lifetime' => 600,
    'regexps' => array(
        '^/' => array(
		 'cache' => true,
         'cache_with_cookie_variables' => true,
         'make_id_with_cookie_variables' => false,
$bo = array(
    'cache_dir' => 'cache/'
$cache = Zend_Cache::factory('Page', 'File', $fo, $bo);

Note that in this example we cache every single page generated by the framework explained in the regexps. This is not so good especially when the users have the possibility to login and to see customized content for them, so you can be careful what you cache.

A typical problem that this solution solves is when your application uses Google Analytics. As you may know Google Analytics sets up a cookie every time when an user hits the page, so every time the framework will generate a different cache for him and in result he won’t see any benefit and performance improvement from your site.

Theory of caching. Zend_Cache & Zend Optimizer.

Although it may sound strange I’ll say why I’m using caching. Because it speeds up the site! Yeah there’s no other reason that may be so important as this is.

The caching is not a process invented in the last year, it’s useless to describe why do you need it, but however my intention is to describe how to make it work with Zend Framework.

The docs page of Zend_Cache is pretty clear about everything and I’ll describe the most important part of the cache setup.

First setup the cache back and frontend options. You need to decide where to save the cache files, how to cache them, and what lifetime do they need.

The most used cache configuration is, as you may guess, this one described into the doc page. Setup the front and backend options is just as simple as:

$frontendOptions = array(
     'lifetime' => 7200, // cache lifetime of 2 hours
     'automatic_serialization' => true

$backendOptions = array(
   'cache_dir' => './tmp/'
   // Directory where to put the cache files

// getting a Zend_Cache_Core object
$cache = Zend_Cache::factory('Core',

Because all this is well described into the doc page, which you can found here I won’t talk about it. But I’ll talk only about one sole thing. How much the cache must live? What should be its lifetime.

The answer is simple. If you have some basic statistic of your site traffic and you don’t change much the data you can prefer longer cache period. But imagine the site’s making 1000 visits per minute! Than even if you cache every minute and the cache expires every minute will be a success and the user perception will be really great. From those 1000 visitors only few will wait until the cache’s built and the other hundreds will receive really fast response!

Be careful when you cache only because you can overflow the directory where you cache, which will be difficult though.

In other way many people are thinking about Zend Optimizer and its work with Zend_Cache. These are really different things. Zend Optimizer has nothing to do with your code it is a PHP caching tool. As you may know PHP interpreter mingles the code into “machine like” code, which in turn can be cached into the RAM with the help of Zend Optimizer. Checkout more here.

Zend_Date – make it work and benefit with locales

Although the documentation of Zend Framework is one of the most well structured documentation I’ve ever read it happened to me to stuck into it. And that happened exactly when I tried to use the date component of ZF – Zend_Date.

Why I’d prefer Zend_Date?

We all know what the date function of PHP is, and what it does. It has reach set of formating string that help you do the job but as I’m working mostly on multilingual projects almost every project needs multilingual dates, and more or less nobody wants only numbers into the dates. And all this is pretty natural, instead of using the simple


format, which beside it’s natural ugliness is not clear. Because as you may know in the US this can be understood as month.date.year, while in Europe this is date.month.year. And when it comes to dates like 02.01.2010 this can be really frustrating.

Beside this ugly format, you can choose to format your dates either with:

1 January 2010 or 1 Jan 2010

which is clear enough, but it’s only for english speakers. You know that in a spanish speaking country you should format the same date as:

1 Ene 2010

where “ene” means enero – january in spanish. How should you overcome this natural PHP problem?

Well the answer is by using Zend_Date

The problem I found in Zend_Date usage is that the native copy/paste technique from the doc page doesn’t seem to work. What the doc page says you is:

// setup the default timezone

and than you can simply request a date with:

$date = new Zend_Date(‘2010-01-02’);
echo $date->get('d MMM yyyy');

where this should print 1 Jan 2010.

It’s a shame that this doesn’t work. The good part is that this problem can be overcome very simply. You just need to setup some more things just before calling the get method.

First setup a cache mechanism where you can cache the date locales. This is really good practice because it speeds up the framework when dealing with dates. Just add those lines after the default timezone is set:

// setup the default timezone

$locale = new Zend_Locale(‘es_ES’);
Zend_Registry::set('Zend_Locale', $locale);

$frontendOptions = array(
		'lifetime' => 600, // 10 minutes
		'automatic_serialization' => true

$backendOptions = array(
                'cache_dir' => '../cache/'

// getting a Zend_Cache_Core object
$cache = Zend_Cache::factory('Core',

First you setup the Zend_Locale – a locale for the entire application and set it up in this example for spanish, than setup the cache mechanism.

This is a typical cache setup for Zend Framework. If you’d like to dive more into cacheing you can checkout the doc pages for Zend_Cache.

After these lines just setup Zend_Date options with:

Zend_Date::setOptions(array('format_type' => 'php',
                   'cache' => $cache));

This is really what you need to do to start. All these lines of code you may place into the bootstrap.php or into some front controller plugin.

Then you can call Zend_Date’s get method wherever you’d like in every controller you need it!