2xjQuery: Select a Selector

Selectors in jQuery

jQuery JavaScript Library

If you’re familiar with jQuery you should already know what are selectors and how they work. However we’re used to get some DOM element with a specific selector, but actually sometimes you cannot select directly what you need. This is especially true when mixing more than one JavaScript libraries. In my case OpenLayers generated a vector layer and jQuery was supposed to change the vectors fill-color property.


With the simple $(‘path’) I easily got all vectors in the current document, but the problem was that I took them as text. Thus it came to me to use nested jQuery – $($(‘selector’));

To describe what actually happened in my case, let me show you a breve example.


Here’s a short HTML markup:

<div><span>text text</span></div>

With jQuery I can select both the DIV and SPAN with the simple $(‘div’) and $(‘span’), but just for the example lets assume I’ve only the inner text of the DIV tag:


That was the case in the OpenLayers/jQuery problem. Now I can easily use another jQuery selector:


This will return the same as $(‘span’) – a jQuery object.

One thought on “2xjQuery: Select a Selector

  1. I don’t see your problem.

    If you want to select the span, just do:

    $('div > span') or $('span', 'div');

    Why using .html() & wrapping with another jQuery object ? It’s inefficient.

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